Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management to syphone on seethampeta channel at km 7.289 under the jurisdiction of krishna canal section, eluru
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management to the shutter and masonary on chinkamurugu minor drain infalling into upputeru river l/b at km.11.100 in drainage section 2 akividu.
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management construction of out fall sluice on patheru minor drain in drainage section 2 akividu
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management construction of out fall sluice on pora bodi minor drain infalling into upputeru river l/b at km 12.00 in drainage section 2 akividu
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management of new pedapalli, new bavajipalem, thollavagu, nizampatnam branches ( on pedapalli main) and east side at (bobbattu) in nagaram mandal of bapatla district.(2nd call)
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management to hs of murukuntapadu channel @ km 73.226 (l/s) of commamuru canal.(2nd call)
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management to hs of rajubangaru palem channel @ km 94.530 (l/s) of commamuru canal.(2nd call)
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management of uppugundur surplus at km 109.780 of commamuru canal.(2nd call)
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management to wing wall on karamchedu new channel at k.m 85.050 of commamuru canal near karamcheu(v)in karamchedu (m)of bapatla dt.(2nd call)
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management of retaining wall on narasayapalem side channel from km 0.000 to km 0.100.(2nd call)