Tender For - maintenance of heavy equipment of paradip refineryodisha pdm1b24358 operation and maintenance of heavy equipment of paradip refinery odisha grinding machine, machine tools and cutting tools, hand drilling machine, plasmacuttingmachine, gas cuttingmachine, hydro blasting machine, chain pulley block, hand tools and non sparking tools, sling and d shackle, torque tool and bolt tensioner, flange spreader, nut splitter, hydraulic jacks
Tender For supply of g-51 electrode for pla-cut 50i ewac plasmacuttingmachine part no. 73105110 [ warrant y period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of epe d-1 front cap of part no epe -d-1 t-05 suitable for epe make , model cut 120 hand plasmacuttingmachine make : electro-plasma equipme nts (epe) ]
Tender For supply of epe d-1 electrode holder with contact tube of part no epe -d-1 t-02 suitable for epe make , model cut 120 hand plasmacuttingmachine make : electro-plasma equipments (epe) ]
Tender For supply of epe d-1 electrode of part no epe -d-1 t-03 suitable for epe make , model cut 120 hand plasmacuttingmachine make : electro-plasma equipme nts (epe) ]
Tender For supply of epe d-1 nozzle of part no epe -d-1 t-04 suitable for epe make , model cut 120 hand plasmacuttingmachine make : electro-plasma equipments (epe) ]