Tender For corrigendum : engineering,procuring, constructing, commissioning (epc) of (1) upgradation of existing 30 mld capacity to 45 mld capacity sewage treatmentplant based on sbr process at kumbharwada, bhavnagar along with all related mechanical and electrical equipment and accessories, instrumentation including miscellaneous works etc. complete (2) operation and maintenance of the entire proposed sewage treatment facilities at site for five years including defect liability
Tender For repair and maintenance seweragetreatmentplant and fire fighting that includes panels, rewinding of monoblock/submersible motors other allied works in chandigarh sectt. building at sector-9 u.t., chandigarh.
Tender For construction of 03 three no seweragetreatmentplant stp of 150 kld for tc and s bsf meru hazaribagh sh preparation of survey drawing for sewerage network
Tender For erection for sop to seweragetreatmentplant at saraswatinagar by providing 63 kva, 222/0.4 kv sub- station and 22 kv ht line in electrical section hatkoti under esd, hpsebl, s. nagar
Tender For development work for bsf klp choup at kalighati campus jaipur (raj.) (sh: civil & electrical developments work and seweragetreatmentplant 100 kld of 39 bn bsf)subwork/packages:civil work
Tender For development works for campus at labana, jaipur (raj.) (sh: civil development works and seweragetreatmentplant 100 kld i/c electrical development work and substation work).subwork/packages:civil work