Tender For retrofitting of existing seweragetreatmentplant sundernagar for feacal treatment under septage management in tehsil sundernagar distt. mandi h.p.
Tender For corrigendum : construction of 1.80 mld capacity sequential batch reactor (sbr) type sewage treatmentplant for zone-4 of arakalagudu town & providing 150 mm to 200 mm dia sewer main for attending missing links in zone-4 under providing ugd system to arakalagudu town (lumpsum tender)
Tender For construction of 200kld sewage treatmentplant ,co manholes of 129 nos 1.5m deep 1no 2.5m deep, co inspection chambers 81 nos, laying jointion of sewer network d.i pipe 2498 rmt, repair of panchyat footpath and operation maintenance of stp and whol
Tender For providing of operation and maintenance of effluent/sewage treatmentplant - complete system; maintenance and operation of sewege treatmentplant bio diversity park main sewer lines of chargaon camps at munsar mine deploying 2 unskilled workers above ground leve..
Tender For replacement of sewer pipeline in damaged areas, rising of existing wetwell, construction of dg room, providing & laying outfall sewerline, construction of approach way, supply, erection, electrification and commissioning of pumping machineries & diesel generator set to wetwell at kolli circle, providing tertiary treatmentplant to existing 6 mld wsp aerated lagoons type sewage treatmentplant in maddur town including o&m for a period of 1 year(including 1 year defects liability period) through design, build, operation and transfer (dbot) mode (lumpsum tender - no variation)
Tender For corrigendum : annual repair and operation and maintenance of seweragetreatmentplant kunihar area in tehsil arki district solan hp sh deployment of labour or staff for operation running and maintenance of 0.90 mld capacity stp including sewerage network system t