Tender For execution of earthwork in formation, construction of minor bridges, blanketing, p. way linking works including supply of p-way fittings, track ballast, psc sleeper and points and crossings in connection with construction of railway infrastructure for
Tender For execution of earthwork in formation, construction of minor bridges, blanketing, p. way linking works including supply of p. way fittings, track ballast, psc sleeper and points and crossings, construction of ei building in connection with construction
Tender For group work: - track related work under the aden-junagadh section against the sanctioned work of 1.) jetalsar- shapur section: - improvement to the yards at 3 nos. of locations. 2.) junagadh - somnath section: - improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations. 2.) junagadh - somnath section: - improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations. 3.) aden-junagadh sub division; providing and replacing level crossing sleepers and check rails on jetalsar - somnath section. 4) aden-junagadh sub division: providing slack gauge sleeper in curve of more than 4 degree on jetalsar-somnath section. 5 ). jetalsar - somnath (bg) section: -through turnout renewal - switch renewal 52 kg 1 in 12 and 1 in 8.5. psc sleeper fan shaped layout (36 nos) 6.) aden-junagadh sub division: - 52kg improved sej and wooden blocks for supporting welds & as distance blocks.
Tender For sw-1- provision of released psc sleeper flooring for stacking of wheels near first aid room.sw-2- improvements for existing bg tracks of rwf.sw-3-improvements to existing eot tracks inside factory premises of rwf..
Tender For supply of glass filled nylon-66 insulating liner (drg. no. rdso/t-9008) for use with wider psc sleeper to drawing no. rdso/t-9007 with stricter tolerance for 60kg/60e1 rails. [ warranty period: 30 months aft er the date of delivery ]
Tender For .manufcturing and supply of complete set of inspection gauges as per rdso drg, no t-6215( part)for10125mm over ridingfan shaped curved switch b.g for 60 kg(uic)/60el on psc sleeper to rdso dr g no. rt-4219 .one set consist of( i)y at point ?r? (ats) gauge no.1(ii)under cutting of tongue rail foot at (ats)- gauge no.2(iii)13mm head thickness (at 1682mm fromats) -gauge no.3(iv)12r toe radius at (at s)- gauge no 6(v)tongue rail head thikness (at 4244mm from ats) -gauge no.35 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of stainless steel shims made up of stainless steel 304 grade to the drawing enclosed an d to a thickness of 0.5mm shim to be painted with yellow colour on top surface of leg, suitable for fixi ng inner side of mc inserts of psc sleeper. weight approx 12 gms. with drawings or similar. [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of g.r.s.p. for derailing switch 1 in 8.5, 52 kg. on psc sleeper as per rdso drg. no. t-5836 & irs specification no.t-55-2023 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of anti creep devices for 10125mm curved switches with zu1-60 thick web tounge rails bg ( 1673mm) for 60 kg (uic) on psc sleeper as per rdso drg no rdso /t-8782 & rdso/t-8783 with complete fittings. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacture and supply of fan shape psc sleeper with usp for 1 in 12 60 kg turnout- t-4218 . purpose: trial of usp (under sleeper pads) for ballast thickness reduction on point no.32b & 43b section tld-yd-e & tld-yd-w, km 789.890(up) and 791.236(up) each set consists of 96 sleep ers as per rdso layout drg. no. t-4218. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]