Tender For supply of stainless steel shims made up of stainless steel 304 grade to the drawing enclosed and to a thickness of 0.5mm shim to be painted with yellow colour on top surface of leg, suitable for fixing inner side of mc inserts of psc sleeper. weight approx 12 gms. with drawings.
Tender For supply of high viscous nylon (hvn) liners(t-8752 and t-8753)[alt-3] for the use with wider psc sleeper to drawing no. rdso/t-8746 suitable for 52 kg. rails
Tender For supply of 60 kg psc sleeper for thick web switch expansion joints (sej) conforming to rdso's dr g. no.t-8838 with latest alterations. one set consist of 11 nos. of psc sleepers.irs specification t-39-2 021 indian railway standard specification for pretensioned prestressed concrete sleepers for b.g, m.g & n.g (6th revision march 2021)" with corrigendum no. 1 with latest alterations.the term "latest alter ations" wherever used will mean the alteration up to the actual date of opening of tender. [ warranty period: 60 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of mild steel shim for psc sleeper, shim thickness 1.5 mm with aluminium paint t-2283 alt.-1 with latest alteration. [ warranty period : 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : replacement of existing railway track cst-9 steelsleeper and steel points and crossing to psc sleeper / psc points crossings works at alumina plant, nalco damanjodi
Tender For rate contract for manufacture and supply of prestressed concrete (psc) sleeper set for 1 in 8.5 diamond crossing without slip - bg 60kg (uic) to rdso drawing no. t-6492 for general layout and sleeper dr awing no. t-5337 to t-5351(each 2 nos) and sleeper drawing no. t-5471 to t-5474(each 4 nos.), sub assembl y drawing t-6495 (alt-1) and sleeper drawing no. t-5331 (1 no) and t-5332 to t-5336 (each 2 nos), sub assem bly drawing t-4967(alt-8) and sleeper drawing no. t-4831 to t-4844 each 2 nos. with latest alteration upto the date of tender notice and conforming to indian railway standard (irs) specification t-45 (fourth revision - mar ch-2021) for psc sleepers for turnouts with date amendment upto the date of tender. one set consists of 85 sl eepers. hsn code -68109990. [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For supply of stainless steel shims made up of stainless steel 304 grade to the drawing enclosed and to a t hick ness of 1.4mm shims, suitable for fixing inner side of mc inserts of psc sleeper. as per attached drawi ngs. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacturing and supply of complete set of inspection gauge for as per rdso drg. no. t-62 15(part) for 10125mm over riding fan shaped curved switch b.g. for 60 kg(uic)60e1 on psc sleeper to r dso drg. no. rt-4219. one set consist of (i) end templates-y at point 'r' (ats), gauge no. 1, (ii)under cutti ng of tongue rail foot at ats, gauge no. 2, (iii) 13 mm head thickness(at 1682 mm from ats), gauge no. 3, (iv)12r toe radius at ats, gauge no. 6, (v) tongue rail head thickness(at 4244mm from ats), gauge no . 35. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacture and supply of complete set of gauges for 1 in 12 60 kg 10125 mm thick curve d switches for bg (u/c0 on psc sleeper for use in depot. one set consist of :- (1) end template at actual t oe of switch- gauge no. 1, (2) head width checking gauge at 2678mm from ats (22mm head thickness) - gauge no. 2, (3) head width checking `combined? gauge at 2678mm from ats (22mm head thickness)- gauge no. 2/1, (4) head width checking gauge at 4958mm from ats (55mm head thickness)- gauge- 3a &3b- gauge no-3, (5) head width checking `combined? gauge at 4958mm from ats (55mm head thickn ess) - gauge nn. 3/1. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]