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Ultrasonic Flow Meter Tenders

Get complete information related to latest Ultrasonic Flow Meter Tenders . from India at Classic Tenders. Search the best available tenders from Indian government tenders, domestic Ultrasonic Flow Meter Tenders , private tenders, online tenders, tender invitation notice, business tender notices, online tenders and bidding Ultrasonic Flow Meter Tenders .


Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :39168794 Due date: 12 Mar, 202512 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of ultrasonic flow meter (flare type) for pp and cdw unit

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :38932309 Due date: 28 Feb, 202528 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of ultrasonic flow meter - supply price for item sl. no. 1.0001 , supply price for item sl. no. 1.0002 , supply price for item sl. no. 1.0003 , transportation charges for item sl. no. 1.0001 , transportation charges for item sl. no. 1.0002 , transportation charges for item sl. no. 1.0003 , mandatory spare for item sl. no. 1.0001 , mandatory spare for item sl. no. 1.0002 , mandatory spare for item sl. no. 1.0003 , supervision for item sl. no. 1.0001 , supervision for item sl. no. 1.0002 , supervision for item sl. no. 1.0003

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39419534 Due date: 03 Mar, 202503 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of ultrasonic flow meter , installation & commissioning flow meter

CTN :39420232 Due date: 03 Mar, 202503 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of engg allowance list phase ii for y12651 of p17a - case for using chem samples make dewalt y 12651 , box for storage of chemical samples dewa y 12651 , ear defenders 3m peltor x series over y 12651 , paint spraying equipment 230v model pilo y 12651 , heavy duty hot wire cfm thermo anemomete y 12651 , sight flow funnel indicator dia 32mm y 12651 , sight flow funnel indicator dia 65mm y 12651 , sight flow funnel indicator dia 20mm y 12651 , portable digital multimeter fluke 179 y 12651 , pen drives sandisk 2tb extreme pro ssd p y 12651 , induction heater linmast part no lbh4 y 12651 , helmet with torch helmet with head lamp y 12651 , optic fiber optical repair kit proskit y 12651 , oscilloscope metrix tetronix tbs1052c y 12651 , boiler disinfection bajaj auto ketiles c y 12651 , high voltage class b elastomer insulat y 12651 , portable welding machine yeswelder ar y 12651 , arc sensitive welding helmet roebll au y 12651 , table for pc s y 12651 , floor cleaning detergent 5 ltr jerry can y 12651 , mop handle holder andpads make upyog spin y 12651 , set of tools for milling machine for ste y 12651 , inspection lamp facom model 779 eye y 12651 , sets of drilling bits for drilling mach y 12651 , see thru gauges for use in tank level in y 12651 , recordable dvd verbatim y 12651 , various chemicals for lab potassium dic y 12651 , silver rods for brazing y 12651 , recordable cd verbatim cap 4 7 gb y 12651 , infrared camera fluke 726 precision mul y 12651 , photo luminiscent sticker strip with bla y 12651 , mild steel phoenix platform scales mode y 12651 , lan tester fluke network tester msr ttk y 12651 , ethernet connection with cap rj45 shiel y 12651 , hot air gun with temperature control exc y 12651 , kent supreme plus 2020 11112 zero wa y 12651 , facom chipping hammer set v 321ah pneu y 12651 , floor cleaning machine eureka e51 pr y 12651 , fluke 381 clamp meter with iflex tong y 12651 , s wrap polymer sticks sealing compound y 12651 , s wrap polymer general purpose y 12651 , industrial laser cleaning machine mapis y 12651 , sonic industrial imager to detect gas le y 12651 , valve refacer machine pathak industries y 12651 , frequency generator fluke 789 y 12651 , laptop hp victus intel core i7 13th gen y 12651 , refrigerant analyser cosmos xp 704 ill r y 12651 , electric tricylce mahindra treo zor 10hp y 12651

CTN :39404685 Due date: 05 Mar, 202505 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of portable liquid ultrasonic flow meter(ongc) (q3)

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :39403229 Due date: 05 Mar, 202505 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of procurement of spares for krohne marshall make ultrasonic flow meter

CTN :39335064 Due date: 01 Mar, 202501 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of table with marble or stainless steel top , drill machine , hand saw, preferable metal , band saw , stools,preferable metal , brain knife , mortuary cooler with arrangement to keep at least 8 body or suitable alternative arrangement , storage tank to hold 10 cadavers , plastic tank , trolley table , camera with screen , x-ray view box , charts , diagrams , anatomy models , embryology models , teaching mannequin , slides , dissection instruments , meat cutting machine , steel tray , embalming machine , computer , printer , laptop , microscope binocular , student microscope , dissection microscope , microtome, rotary , microtome, sledge large cutting , cabinet for slides , incubator , paraffin embedding bath , hot plate for flattening sections , hot air oven , refrigerator , diamond pencil , articulated skeleton set , disarticulated bone set , weight specimen jar , steel rack , desktop computer , microscope oil immersion , demonstration eye piece , double demonstration eye piece , stage incubator , westgreens pipette , wintrobes pipette , haemoglobin meter , haemocytometer , thermometers , multi-channel physiograph , centrifuge , chlorometer,photoelectric , ph meter electric , digital physiograph , digital perimeter , sphygmometer , stethoscope , polygraphs , spyrometer ordinery , digital spirometer , mosses ergo graph , clinical thermometer , compass aesth , thermometer , algometer , knee hammer , stethograph , bicycle ergometer , ophthalmoscope , schematic eye , colour perception lantern edridge green , dynamometer , otoscope , stop watch , ecg machine , yoga mat , tuning fork to test hearing 32 , van slyke apparatus manomatric , veins pressure apparatus , douglas bag , basal metabolism apparatus , apparatus for passive movement , phacoscope , parameter with charts listers , madox rod , newton colour wheel , student physiograph , gas analyser automatic , sherrington starling kymograph , electromagnetic time marker , myograph stand , electric stimulator , tuning fork time marker , electrodes , spirit lamps , mayers tambour , softwares , low holtage unit , water distillation , all glass distillation apparatus , voltage stabilizer , stepdown transformer , analytical balance , unimometer calibrated , digital colorimeter , glucometer with strip , semi auto analyser , boiling water bath , water bath , centrifuge clinical , ph meters , fixed volume pipette , bottle dispenser , variable and fix volume micro auto pipettes , vacutainer tubes , pcr machine , abg machine , auto analyser , total chromatographic unit , complete electrophoresis apparatus , densitometer with computer , vortex mixer , incubator 37 c , fume cupboard , digital analytical balance , balance micro , spectrophotometer , elisa reader and washer , urine strip for glucose and protein , ise analyser , photo copier machine , interactive panels with cpu (q2) , multimedia projector (mmp) (q2) , entry and mid level desktop computer (q2)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38134076 Due date: 21 Feb, 202521 Feb, 2025 7.40 Lacs
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : procurement of different testing equipment for civil department of mcl basundhara - flexural testing apparatus of concrete , compressive testing machine for concrete , concrete slump test appratus , concrete breaker chipping hameer medium , dlc vibrating hammer , concrete flexerual testing beam , concrete cubes , digital automatic level survey machine , bosch triangle flat head fixed tripod , folding type levelling staff , sieves for gradations , proctor instruments for compaction testing , sand replacement set sand pouring appratus , casagrande liquid limit appratus , shirankage limit appratus , rapid moisture meter , california bearing ratio test machine

CTN :39357736 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For providing of supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine - supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine , supply and installation of electrophorsis apatos , supply and installation of grajuated cylinder for verious sapecity raning fram 100 cc to 1000 co , supply and installation of whote plate , supply and installation of digigal sklr at list 20 megapixel with micro, mecro, wide , supply and installation of digital perafin dispencing module cold plate holdingmore than 1000 ca , supply and installation of balance chemical with vetus , supply and installation of microscope , supply and installation of processing station (stenless still, with control panel. air filtration syste , supply and installation of three part fully automated sel counter , supply and installation of quaglemter , supply and installation of weight machine adult , supply and installation of seltaras baby weight machin , supply and installation of harpenden calybar , supply and installation of hight machuring stand , supply and installation of smart tv , supply and installation of public address system (2 portable for fild besd activity and one inch r , supply and installation of cloroscope , supply and installation of herijack approtas , supply and installation of muaac tep , supply and installation of bp apretus (digital) , supply and installation of sound level meter , supply and installation of water samplig bottle form any depth , supply and installation of nidle shudder , supply and installation of vekey carrier , supply and installation of cropt water testing kit , supply and installation of treatment kit asper national health program , supply and installation of idone testing kit , supply and installation of glucometer , supply and installation of mayseuto kaching kit , supply and installation of clinical tharmexmeter , supply and installation of fast and kit , supply and installation of autoscope , supply and installation of fast aid banding and spliting kit , supply and installation of basic cpr half body nanikin with monitor , supply and installation of advance infut cpr training modul , supply and installation of advance child cpr training modul , supply and installation of imbriyo model , supply and installation of fetas with vhisera and plesenta , supply and installation of the development process of fetas , supply and installation of female internal and external genital orgon model , supply and installation of gayenology examination model , supply and installation of brist examination model , supply and installation of fertilizan process model , supply and installation of female cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of male cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of adult instra mescular injection modul , supply and installation of adult sub cantiview injection training modul , supply and installation of adult instra venious injection training modul , supply and installation of new bonr baby model , supply and installation of unisex torso 23 part 85 cm , supply and installation of computer system , screw 850 half threded

CTN :39294151 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 1.9 Thousand
Tender For e-tender notification for supply of lab equipments to 02 adarsha govt pu colleges to mandya dist. - conical flask(borosil)-250ml,100ml, boiling point set, burette stand, burette 50ml plastic, beaker plastic- 2 lt,1lt, beakers (borosil),500ml,250ml,100ml, bunsen burner, analytical weight box + fractionalweight box, mortor and pestle, capillary tubes, melting point.p apparatus(thick tube), measuring cylinder(borosil)-250ml,100ml,50ml,10ml, glass trough, gas cylinder with regulator, glass tube, glass rod, funnel glass plastic, digital balance, analytical balance(chemicals), two way gas tap, stop clock, winchestor bottle-10lt,5lt,2lt,3lt, watch glass 3 inch, wire guaze, wash bolle(polythene)-500ml, volumetric flask-250ml,100ml, thermometer -1ooc,360c, tripod stand, test tube brush, test tube holder, test tube stand, test tubes-15ml, sample bottles-50ml(plastic), spatula, rubber corks-different sizes, reagent bottle (amber)-250ml, reagent bottle -250ml,125ml, platinium wire(loop), measuring cylinder(plasric)-1000ml,500ml, porcelein tiles, pile (for cutting), porcelain dish, pipette stand, pipette-10ml, ammonium sulphate, ammonium oxalate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonia, acetic acid, oxalic acid, nesslers reagent, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, methyl orange, magnesium sulphate, magnesium carbonate, litmus paper, lead acetate, iodine, ferric chloride, filter paper, ferrous sulphate, copper sulphate, copper turnings, carbon tetrachloride, calcium carbonate, chlorine water, borium chloride, benzoic acid, aniline, ammonium bromide, aluminium sulphate, ammonium ferrous sulphate, ammonium dihydrogenphosphate, precaution chart, periodic table-big, p h paper, fehlings solution, benedicts solution, sciffs reagent, manganous sulphate, zinc carbonate, zinc sulphate, universal indicator, starch, sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium thiosulphate, sodium chloride, strontium nitrate, sodium carbonate, silver nitrate, potassium thiocyanate, potassium hydroxide, phenolphthalein, potassium nitrate, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, potassium chromate, d.c milliammeter 500ma, spring balance full set apparatus, simple pendulum complete set apparatus, stop clock , spherometer 1/100, micrometer screw gauge 25x1mm, vernier calliperse, one meter long rule scale, inclined plane full set apparatus, semiconductor diode full set inbuilt apparatus (with two digital meters)both forward and reverse bias, battery eliminator a.c/d.c(3amp), glass prism, glass slab , concave mirror (15cm,20cm), double convex lens (10cm,15cm,20cm), double concave lens(10cm,15cm,20cm), optical bench double rod (1m)(ss rod) set, intermediated travelling microscope, tuning fork full set(medium quality), rubber hammer, wooden hammer, rubber pad, resonance apparatus(stainless steel), stabilized variable power supply 0-5v,1amp, standard resistance box 1 ohm-100 ohm, standard resistance box 1 ohm-10000 ohm, leclanche cell, daniel cell , plug key 1way,2way, d.c. volymeter 0-5v, d.c. ammeter 0-5a, d.c galvanometer, d,c millivoltmeter 0.25-750mv, plane mirrors, object stand, image screen, lens stand metal, slotted weights with hanger (each 0.5kg), pointer galvanometer, physical balance, steel balls of different radis, thermometers, surface tension apparatus with full set, spirit level, inclined plane with protractor and pulley ,roller,weight box,spring balance, rheostat , connecting wires, wire cutter, sonometer with wire,electromagnet, slotted weights with hanger(frequency of ac appts), copper calorimeter with lid,with full set, eam balance weight box with a set of milligram masses, newtons law of cooling appts, coefficient of friction full set, viscosity appts stokes method (with glass tube), parallelogram of force apparatus (wooden stand type), conversion of galvanometer into ammeter, conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter, boyles law apparatus, dicot root t/s slide, dicot stem t/s slide, monocot leaf t/s slide, monocot root t/s slide, monocot stem t/s sl
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