Tender For repair of undergroundreservoir use for fire purpose near 14 no. shed and other allied works within the khadya bhawan campus at 11a, mirza galib street, kol-700087.
Tender For cleaning and disinfecting of undergroundreservoir and overhead tanks at main building, annex building, centenary building, sesqui centenary building of high court, calcutta during the year 2025-26. w.e.f. 01.07.2025 to 30.06.2026
Tender For construction of 62.5 kl capacity undergroundreservoir (ugr) for re-use of treated water by 38 mld stp and fitting of 02 nos. 5.0 hp capacity sewage pumps, construction of treated water filling station, pipe fitting, fire hydrant fitti
Tender For cleaning and disinfecting overhead tank undergroundreservoir gi tank and pvc tank within sales tax complex at 14 beliaghata road kolkata 15 during 2024 25
Tender For construction of 50 cum capacity undergroundreservoir for fire fighting arrangement at chanchal sub-divisional hospital at chanchal under malda division, pwd, during the year 2023-24.
Tender For construction of 50 cum capacity undergroundreservoir for fire fighting arrangement at chanchal sub-divisional hospital at chanchal under malda division, pwd, during the year 2023-24.
Tender For sbdtw schemes under jala jeevan mission(jjm) at chintamoni para-ii of purba debendranagar gp under jirania rd block /s.h constr. of 4 nos. sbdtw and 1 no. 20,000 gallon rcc undergroundreservoir with semi permanent pump house etc andother alliedwork
Tender For sbdtw schemes under jjm at champaknagar (bagan tilla) of madhya debendranagar gp under jirania rd block under the jirania dws sd/ s.h constr.of 4 nos. sbdtw and 1 no. 20,000 gallon rcc undergroundreservoir and other allied works.
Tender For rcc reservoir under jjm at ganthalung para-i of khamting vc under mandwai rd block under the mandwai dws sd/ s.h constr. of 1 no. 30,000 litre rcc undergroundreservoir along with 5000 litre capacity irp and other allied works during the year 24-25