Tender For nctps i se mi circle aoh 24 25 bm dn unit iii residual life assessment rla life extension le of 210 mw boiler and its auxiliaries bearing regy no t 6285 unit iii during annual overhaul 2024 25
Tender For corrigendum : design,supply,installation,testing and commissioning of 33mt aboveground lpg bullet at lpg bottling plant inside ippl ennore terminal.
Tender For nctps - i - se / m.ii circle - ahp dn. - rectification of defects in 6 ton capacity 2nos for unit-i, ii, iii eot crane in ash handling slurry pump house by overhauling of long travels mechanism, cross travels mechanism, main hoists mechanism, gear boxes, inspection of control panels and resistance boxes of hoists, lt & ct, renewal of defective brakes and load testing.
Tender For nctps ii 2 600 mw operation circle chemical division time bound works sample collection steam water cycle and gas samples ,coal and various oil operational and testing assistance to rodm plant cpu cru unit drawl and unloading of chemicals from stor