Tender For nctps ii operation circle o e division efficiency work of conducting pat cycle vii monitoring verification audit at nctps ii 2x600 mw units for the year 2024 25
Tender For bid to ras providing of custom bid for services - health checkup upto 40 yrs 450 each,custom bid for services - health checkup above 40 yrs 450 each,custom bid for services - health checkup canteen workers 5 each,custom bid for services - conducting health awareness program 2 each,custom bid for services - supply of spectacles 300 each
Tender For sp.116 nctps ii es circle em i dn gm sdn daily dosing of hydrogen and nitrogen gas round the clock in 600mw main generator unit i and ii nctps ii for the period up to 31st march 2026 from the date of taking over of site.
Tender For sp.121 nctps ii es circle em i division sub division ii unit i and ii running maintenance contract for switchgear bus ducts gcb dry type transformers and oca panel for 360 days for the period up to 31st march 2026 from the date of taking over of
Tender For sp.123 nctps ii es circle em i division gm sdn routine maintenance works in 600mw main generator and its auxiliaries in unit i and ii nctps ii for the period up to 31st march 2026 from the date of taking over of site
Tender For sp.122 nctps ii es circle em i division gm sdn routine maintenance works in 600mw main generator and its auxiliaries in unit i and ii nctpsii for the period up to 31st march 2026 from the date of taking over of site