Tender For supply of frlt cotton insulation tape conforming to icf specification no. icf/elec-921, rev.0, cs.05. note: 1. non adhesive side of the tape shall be of white colour. 2. supplier s hall print rly-rly in generic pattern on non adhesive side in black colour. [ warranty per iod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply and application of adhesion promoting primer of one litre for coach es to rcf spec-mdts-48279,rev-04 to 60 micron with masking as per rcf drg.mi007679. surf ace preparation as per rcf spec spec-mdts-48279,rev-04. [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For supply of 120 sq.mm chocolate colour electron beam irradiation curing process or chemicalcuring process thin walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductorsuitablefor rolling stock applicatio n conforming to rdso spec.no.elrs/spec/elc/oo19,rev.4, feb-2018, 1.8 kv gra de. note: cables s hall b e supplied in coils of 500 metreslength, and left overquantity in multiples of 100 metres with a tolerance of+/-5% on the length. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of primary inner spring for generator car to drg.no.1277143-01r and to be rea d with rdso/2017/cg-01, rev-02 ---(rcf p.l.no:33500536) special condition : packing as per drg. no. icf/j&t/sk - 1770, alt 'a'. [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]