Tender For supply of one coach set of stainless steel roof, side wall and end wall for 3 phase ai r conditioned ac/emu dmc & dmc2 medha ac coaches to drg.no. (805)emu2/dmc/ac-1-6-001, alt 'a', col.i - 1 no, (805)emu2/dmc/ac-1-4-001, alt 'a', col.i- 1 no, col.ii-1 no. (806)emu2/tc/ac- 1-5-002, alt 'e', col.i - 1 no, schedule of technical requirement to specn. icf/md/spec-200, i ssue status -01, rev-04 with amendment no-01. special condition : packing condition as per i cf/j&t/misc-2402, alt 'b' and icf/j&t/sk-1777, alt 'a'. "firm shall obtain the exact drawings t o be followed before start of manufacture". [safety item ]
Tender For supply of one coach set of stainless steel roof, side wall and end wall for 3 phase ai r conditioned ac/emu dmc & dmc2 medha ac coaches to drg.no. (805)emu2/dmc/ac-1-6-001, alt 'a', col.i - 1 no, (805)emu2/dmc/ac-1-4-001, alt 'a', col.i- 1 no, col.ii-1 no. (806)emu2/tc/ac- 1-5-002, alt 'e', col.i - 1 no, schedule of technical requirement to specn. icf/md/spec-200, i ssue status -01, rev-04 with amendment no-01. special condition : packing condition as per i cf/j&t/misc-2402, alt 'b' and icf/j&t/sk-1777, alt 'a'. "firm shall obtain the exact drawings t o be followed before start of manufacture". [safety item ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of retention tank with s-trap & without pressurised flushing (rh) to drg.no.32 963204, alt-nil and as per specn. mdts-26001, rev-04 (except clause 3.5 - pressurised flushi ng system) for special terms and condition for procurement of retention tank system f or lhb coaches. [ warranty period: 84 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of stainless steel square tube size 2x20x20x6000mm mat.ss.409m. special conditio n : suitable packing to be done to avoid damage during transit, unloading and rust prev ention during storage. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of one coach set of partition frames and body shell items for medha mrm2/mc ( 983), mrm2/tc (984) and mrm2/tc2 (985) coaches to drg.no: 1.98310009 col-1, alt 'a' - 1 no. 2.9 8310010 col-1, alt 'nil' - 3 nos. 3.98210049 col-1, alt 'nil' - 2 nos. 4.98210048 col-1, alt 'nil' - 2 nos. 5.98410002 col-1, alt 'nil' - 1 no. 6.aai10170 col-1, alt 'nil' - 16 nos 7.aai10169 col-1, alt 'a' - 8 nos . special condition: packing drawing icf/j&t/sk-1865 alt nil. suitable rust preventive measu re to be taken while in storage. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply and installation of one coach set of seats and berth for lslrd (with compartment for divyangjan) coaches to drg. no. lslrd (741)-6-1-001, alt -j items - 1 to 16, 19 to 22, 24 to 31, 42, 77 and 78,79 and 83. cushioning material shall be pu foam as per rd so specification no.rdso/2007/cg04, rev-01 or latest and upholstery to rdso spec.rdso/2 008/cg-07,rev-01 or latest. installation required as per arrangement drawing. all neces sary hardwares required for installation is under scope of the supplier. note 1: firm ha s the option for offering seats and berths cushion with lower density conforming to s pec.rdso/2007/cg-04, rev-01 or latest also. note 2: firm to quote and supply the item with out rfid. please visit icf vendor portal for downloading drawing https://vp.icf.gov.in/vendtendordetn ew.php using key: 07243tx0stv3442 [ warranty period: 120 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of bogie frame complete machined for vb train set mc coaches to medha drg. n o. d-a675uv2-134093, rev-11. special condition : suitable packing to be done to prevent dam age during transit, unloading and rust prevention during storage. their will be minor modification in design. firm shall collect latest drawings before manufacturing. [ warr anty period: 60 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 10 sq.mm, yellow colour, electron beam irradiation curing process thin wa lled flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductor suitable for rolling stock appli cation conforming to rdso spec.no.elrs/spec/elc/0019, rev.4, feb-2018, 1.8 kv grade. [ wa rranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]